Update: IT Authorities and WidePoint to attend OhioX Gov Tech Summit

May 3, 2022 – WidePoint’s Barton Dunn, Director of Client Services, along with IT Authorities’ Gene Mobley, Sr Business Technology Advisor, and David Williamson, Vice President of Business Services, will be attending the 2022 OhioX GovTech Summit on May 18, 2022. “As leaders in cybersecurity, it’s imperative that we participate in this virtual summit,” stated Mr. Dunn. Mr. Mobley agreed, “Due to the industry-leading cybersecurity capabilities of our parent company, Widepoint, we are expanding our product offering to our commercial customers. We look forward to understanding issues facing the industry and listening to the experts who are sharing their knowledge at this conference.”

OhioX GovTech Summit: Registration and Speaker Information

Questions about your cybersecurity? Meet Gene Mobley

#ITAuthorities is a #Widepoint company.

ITA Update: Reflects OhioX Gov Tech participation by Mr. David Williamson
