October 26, 2022 News & Info
This month, IT Authorities and WidePoint are releasing critical update notifications, new products, hosting partner events, attending industry events and implementing new customers. How can we help you?
- How did your BCDR plan hold up before, during and after Hurricane Ian? We appreciate the valuable feedback from one of our affected customers for sharing their experience working with our ITA professional services team. —->
- Meet one of our Security Operations Center (SOC) partners, Inovo, and download their 12 Step Cybersecurity Program information
- Event Alert: Speaking of Inovo, join us on November 1st for this Cybersecurity Insurance event:
Cybersecurity insurance is becoming a required reality for businesses. Register for this event and learn how to create the right plan to protect your company.
When: Nov 1, 2022 10:00 AM Pacific Time
Topic: How to Prevent Using Your Cyber Liability Insurance
Advance registration is required
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_k_lHOJCQRY-XONTVC3VgrQ - Partner Event: We are looking forward to attending the Ingram Micro ONE 2022 event in Orlando, Florida, from Nov 7 – 10. Are you going? Contact us to setup a meeting.
- Customer Notifications: Are you ready for Microsoft Server 2012 and 2012 r2 End of Support? It doesn’t happen until October 2023, but you need to start budgeting and planning now for this critical migration.
- 30% Off? Just for IT Authorities’ customers, WidePoint has created a special discount code on accessories and tablets. Offer expires 12/31/2022. Contact Gene Mobley for more information.
- Product Update: IT Authorities shares WidePoint Identity & Access Management for our customers: Discover the IAMaaS that protects your employees, network infrastructure and more.
- Product Update: IT Authorities – What’s powering the ITA Depot & what can track all of your assets? Our WidePoint Intelligent Technology Management System (or ITMS). Over 800k assets and counting!
#ITAuthorities #News #ITMS #Microsoft #Inovois #IAMaaS #ManagedServices
#ITAuthorities is a #Widepoint company.